title: "Hello friend 🐱‍👤"
date: 2021-08-23T17:52:07+02:00
draft: false

## About This Site

This site shares a bit of informal documentation and more blog-based recod
keeping. Providing commentary on design decisions should be just as useful as
some of the technical documentation however included in my repositories.

## My Setup

I mainly use RHEL flavours of linux having both CentOS and Fedora machines. Most
hosted services run on CentOS 8 at the moment abiet they are approaching
end-of-life. Overall the package repository for CentOS 7/8 is just right. I
rarely need to compile anything from source and packages are very stable.
I will eventually migrate to Fedora completely which is where I operate my
development environment.

This is a list of my most used self-hosted services:
 - Gitea: Git server with web interface for repository mirrors and personal repos
 - Plex: mutlti-media hosting service for streaming movies and tv-shows
 - NextCloud: Cloud storage for synchronizing and sharing files
 - Cockpit: Web base administration portal managing linux boxes
 - RoundCube: Web based email client
 - Postfix/Dovcot: Email stack providing SMTP for my domain
 - NGINX: HTTP server serving as proxy for internal web services
 - Danbooru: Ruby-on-rails based image hosting and tagging service

There are several others that I have tried but these really have been the things
I relied on the most in the past 5 years or so. I think the only thing that is
possibly missing from this list is possibly the equivilent of a centralized LDAP
service but I simply haven't had to manage more than handful of users.

Currently I develop quite a bit of python utilities for scraping, labeling, and
managing media in an automated fashion. In part I am preparing data for one of
my long term projects which is related to image classification based on
structural decomposition rather than textural features. The main idea here is
to analyse and extract structure in an image before performing in-depth analysis
such that said analysis is most specific to its context.

This is some of the hardware that I use:
 - W10 Laptop: Intel i5-7200U CPU with 8 GB of memory
 - W10 Desktop: Intel i5-7200U CPU with 8 GB of memory

## About Me

I do mixed signal circuit design and a bit of software development as a hobby.