--- title: "Calibre Physical Verification Hacks šš" date: 2021-09-14T11:30:11+02:00 draft: false toc: true tags: - calibre - config - verification --- This page details a variety of 'modifications' to the standard Calibre verification flow I have used in the past to either modify the checks performed tools in the physical verification flow. None of which are particularly clean since they depart from what is usually an approved rule deck / verification flow. Designs do need to pass the verification process in a meaningful way at the end of the day so your mileage may vary. ## Extended Device Checks It is generally good practice to be able to check for internal design conventions when it comes to layout. Making a custom set of rules that does exactly this is highly advised to yield better quality designs. For example it could be required that varactor or mosfet primitives should never have overlapping shapes with other devices of the same type. The rule below will check for exactly this and report it as a "NVA0.VAR_OVLP" violation. ```tvf NVA0.VAR_OVLP { @ Varactors / Tiles should not overlap VARi AND > 1 } ``` There are other rules that are required or suggested by the DRM that simply don't have a good DRC rule. For example requiring tear-shaped geometries on the RDL layer near flip-chip balls. Getting an approximate rule check that catches the more obvious issues is worthwhile including. ```tvf NVA0.RDL.TEAR { @ Shape of RDL near pad: tear shape required X0 = EXT RDL <1 ABUT <125 INTERSECTING ONLY REGION X1 = EXT RDL <1 ABUT <180 INTERSECTING ONLY REGION X2 = INT RDL <1 ABUT <180 INTERSECTING ONLY REGION X3 = EXPAND EDGE (X1 NOT TOUCH INSIDE EDGE X0) BY 1 EXTEND BY 50 X4 = EXPAND EDGE (X2 NOT TOUCH INSIDE EDGE X0) BY 1 EXTEND BY 50 (X3 AND X0) OR (X4 AND X0) } ``` The above rule finds regions with acute angles (internal and external) near regions with obtuse angles where the latter is generally the rounded RDL landing pad for the ball. ## Layer / Device Aliasing Layer aliasing or remapping is another way to add indirection to the DRC rule deck that will allow you to both run your own checks and device recognition without interfering with the standard flow. ```tvf LAYER MAP 107 DATATYPE 0 746 ``` In the above scenario we allocated an additional layer in the Cadence design to designate inductor recognition beside the standard inductors. This was required since the standard inductors also implied metallization free regions which is not always be acceptable. By adding this layer and mapping it to the same inductor recognition data type during LVS these inductors would still be recognized but did not trigger the associated metallization rules during DRC. ## Adding New Device Primitives Another good know how is the process behind device recognition when you run the Calibre LVS process. The code snippets below take us through a process of defining a new device for LVS recognition that is bound together with a spice definition to produce the extracted netlist. This should allow you to define custom layers and define custom devices on those layers while still getting LVS clean at the end of the day. This example will define a custom resistor. ```tvf LAYER RESLYR 450 LAYER MAP 215 DATATYPE 21 450 // layer to form memresistor XTERM = RESLYR AND M4 XCDTR = RESLYR NOT M4 CONNECT metal4 MEMRESLYRT DEVICE XDEVICE XCDTR XTERM(PORT1) XTERM(PORT2) netlist model xdevice ``` The section of code above are LVS rule statements that first define a named layer `RESLYR` and then map a data type onto that layer. The data type should correspond to what ever you new layer you used to define the device in the layout editor. Then we define the terminals of this device when ever this layer overlaps and connects with metal 4 otherwise it is the resistive section. Finally you specify a device in terms of the relevant layers and how they map to the actual model. Notice the device maps to a netlist model called `xdevice` with named ports. This model is defined below. Note that we havenĀ“t extracted any parameters but this could be done in the rule deck definition. Also note that here we also specify the mapping of this `xdevice` to a cell in the design library. ```lisp (xdevice (DEVICE_LIB DEVICE_CELL DEVICE_VIEW) ( (PORT1 PIN1) (PORT2 PIN2) ) ( (nil multi 1) (nil m 1) ) ) ``` Finally a spice definition must also be included in order to run the netlist comparison. Assuming the cell in the design library correctly netlists with a auCDL view. The spice definition below presumes both the layout and schematic perform black-boxed comparison of this new resistor. ```spice .SUBCKT xdevice PORT1 PORT2 .ENDS ``` ## Extending Connectivity Layers In some occasions it could be that certain extra layers are defined in the DRC deck but not in the LVS deck. For example there are optional metallization layers for your process. Adding connectivity is rather strait forward. The main challenge here is to choose the correct data type mappings as to avoid conflicts with the original rule statements. ```tvf LAYER PM1i 5001 LAYER MAP 5 DATATYPE 1 5001 LAYER Cu_PPIi 7410 LAYER MAP 74 DATATYPE 10 7410 LAYER UBM 170 LAYER MAP 170 DATATYPE 0 170 LAYER PM2i 5002 LAYER MAP 5 DATATYPE 2 5002 VIA8 = COPY CB2 metal9 = COPY Cu_PPIi VIA9 = COPY PM2i metal10 = COPY UBM ``` Once these layers are defined we can go ahead and specify the order of connectivity. Notice that we canĀ“t directly operate / manipulate layer definitions so simply running a `COPY` statement resolves this. Below we see also that adding ports and text labels connectivity for the relevant layers is also needed for your pins to connect. ``` tvf CONNECT metal9 metal8 BY VIA8 CONNECT metal10 metal9 BY VIA9 TEXT LAYER 140 ATTACH 140 metal9 PORT LAYER TEXT 140 TEXT LAYER 141 ATTACH 141 metal10 PORT LAYER TEXT 141 TEXT LAYER 125 ATTACH 125 metal10 PORT LAYER TEXT 125 ``` ## Hot fixing LVS comparison Finally the rule statements below are global deck adjustments. They are for the most part self explanatory except for `CULL` which actually removes empty spice sub-circuits that are identified by a hierarchical LVS run but does not actually contain active devices (i.e. a dummy digital filler cell). ```tvf LVS SPICE CULL PRIMITIVE SUBCIRCUITS YES VIRTUAL CONNECT NAME "POWER" TEXT "NET_NAME" LOCX LOCY DATATYPE LAYOUT RENAME TEXT "/DATA\\[(.*)\\]/DATA<-1>/M-" ```